Ayatollah Posts Chilling Video Threatening to Assassinate Trump 

by Leah Rosenberg

The Ayatollahs who run Iran hate everything that is Western, Jewish, and not Islam. So, why do they hate Donald Trump so much? Donald Trump, love’m or hate’m, represents the West. He represents freedom, progress, business, and the United States of America. The leadership of Iran today hates all of this. Israel is their nearest enemy. But America is their largest and truest enemy.     

It should surprise nobody that Donald Trump, as opposed to much of the Democrat Party and Kamala Harris, plan to topple the regime in Iran. This video produced by the leadership in Iran accurately depicts the intentions of the Ayatollah. They fear a Trump Presidency more than nearly any other leaders of any other nations. They have the most to lose. Dictators hate freedom-seekers.  

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