Arab and Jew Play Music Together on Streets of Israel

by Leah Rosenberg

The streets of Israel are not only filled with strife like the media makes it seem. There are those positive moments that must be shared too.

Coexistence on the Streets of Israel

Sometimes, it seems that Jews and Arabs living side by side is impossible. And sometimes, it seems like it’s within reach. We definitely need to share these moments of beauty that happen on the streets of Israel. When an Arab and Jew play music together for all types of people walking by, you can feel the sense of unity that can exist amongst Arabs and Jews. You feel that it is indeed possible.

Bringing the Messiah Closer

We have a responsibility as Jews to bring G-d into the world. We have a responsibility to do what we can to bring the final redemption closer. Being a light unto the nations, creating moments of peace, showing G-d’s goodness in the world, and being kind to others are all examples of ways to bring G-d into the world and bring the Messiah that much closer.

A moment like this – a moment where a Jewish and Arab teenager play music together on the streets – is a moment that shows what the redemption can feel like. Jews and Arabs living side by side. People of all religions and faiths coming to serve G-d in Israel. We are praying for the day to come, for the prophecy in Isaiah to come true: “I will bring them to My holy mount, and I will cause them to rejoice in My house of prayer, their burnt offerings and their sacrifices shall be acceptable upon My altar, for My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples” (Translation

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