What happens when an anti-Israel group is caught on camera trying to make Israel look like the aggressor? They basically run away.
Anti-Israel Group
The group that once situation itself in Hebron, EAPPI (Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel), is a completely anti-Israel group. They tried to make Israel look bad for the media. They promoted BDS. This group is not for human rights at all, they are just anti-Israel. And the pro-Israel organization Im Tirtzu exposed them for their true goals. They put a camera on the cameramen, and EAPPI had no idea what to do. It was unexpected. And they cowered away.
EAPPI never thought that THEY would be videoed as they tried to video Israeli soldiers in the hopes they can make them look like aggressors on camera. But once Im Tirtzu showed the world what EAPPI’s purpose actually was, EAPPI left Hebron. They wanted to remain anonymous, but they were finally exposed.
Making Israel Look Bad
The fact that there are groups with the intention of making Israel look bad is absurd. They do not promote peace or want a better future for Palestinian Arabs. They want IDF soldiers to respond to being harassed. And then they want to film it and act as if the soldiers are the offenders.
Why can’t the world see through this? It just shows that Israel is not an evil entity. Anti-Israel groups try to twist the truth and catch soldiers doing something that can potentially be viewed negatively. None of this is about human rights. None of the anti-Israel feelings are about anything factual. It is all just about pure antisemitism and hating the Jewish state because it is JEWISH.