Alarming discovery made about a well known antisemitic fascist

by Leah Rosenberg

This antisemitic fascist is one of the worst out there. It is actually terrifying to listen to the way he speaks about the Jewish people and America.

Antisemitic Fascist in America

Angelo John Gage makes other antisemites look like cowards. His nasty words and actions cannot be taken lightly. He is an antisemitic fascist who has absolutely no dignity.

Antisemitism is real, and he is proving that. The world should know by now that when evil people say they want to do something bad, they mean it. And they will stop at nothing.

Antisemitism is getting worse and worse. And it is people like Angelo John Gage who really need to be stopped. But the thing is, even if you are not Jewish, you have to realize it affects you too. This video proved that America as a whole is in danger. The alarming discovery about the planned government takeover should terrify Americans, Jews and non-Jews alike.

Where are you, Twitter?

Where is Twitter? Where is social media banning Angelo John Gage from using their platforms to incite violence and call for the murder of an entire nation? To call for a takeover of Democracy? And what about the fact that he is literally trying to destroy the Jewish people AND America?

Well, that is Twitter for you. And other social media platforms. They are quick to ban Conservatives and others who are not violent or racist, and then they allow antisemitism and radical ideas to spread throughout every social media platform. And that is just frightening.

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