A truly mind-blowing video on COVID-19, IVERMECTIN, & THE IMPORTANCE OF VITAMIN D

by Avi Abelow

A truly mind-blowing video!!!

Masks, vaccine, treatments and much, much more from Dr. Ryan Cole, who runs his own lab, an expert in immunology and virology, has done 100,000 Covid-19 tests over the past year and even treated some Covid-19 patients.

What devestates me is that too many people I know will automatically shame me just for sharing this video even without taking the time to watch/listen or consider the important information he speaks about.

The truth is, I don’t post this information to change people’s minds. Too many people have been conditioned to be so afraid for their lives that they no longer are capable of questioning the assumptions they accept as ultimate truths. And I don’t blame them because that is totally expected with the massive campaign being led to convince us to be afraid for our lives.

No, I don’t post for them.

I’m posting for everyone who is still confused, not sure of the official information we are told, bothered by the fact that anyone who dares question the official narrative or who disagrees is suppressed and shamed, baffled that the world of “science” now is anti-science, in shutting down all skepticism and questions. I post the information from expert medical professionals for them.

Again, critical, important video from Dr. Ryan Cole. Do not miss watching it:

And if you disagree with this medical expert then that is your right and I won’t shame you.

By the way, why am I posting a bitchute and rumble video link? Because YouTube censors videos like this.

Welcome to the world of George Orwell’s Covid-19 big brother! (Another fact about our lives today that too many people are either oblivious about or know about yet actively , or passively, support)

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