A “Reichstag fire” in Jerusalem?

by Ezequiel Doiny

How would the Israeli police react if the right in Israel used the same tactics as the left? The left shut down highways, airports and medical services, what would happen if the right did the same to demand the application of sovereignty?

This is what the Israeli deep State would do if the right protested like the left:

1. They would infiltrate the protests, send left-wing agents pretending to be right-wing to act violently to make the right-wing peaceful protest look violent.

2. They will mass arrest protesters and falsely accuse them of violence.

Sounds familiar? 

The left is following the same script they used successfully in the US and Brazil.

In a video interview with the Epoch Times Dennis Prager explained about Jan 6 “We’re living in a gigantic lie that is reminiscent of the Reichstag fire”.

The Gateway Pundit reported “20 CONFIRMED INCIDENTS AND OPERATIONS: The DOZENS of Feds, FBI Agents and State Operatives Who Infiltrated the Trump Crowds on January 6th at the US Capitol and Led the Protests…”

What the deep State did to Trump supporters in January 6 and to Bolsonaro supporters in Brazil is what will happen next in Israel, it is exactly the same script. They are waiting for the right to protest then they will invent a  “Reichstag fire” in Jerusalem to frame Netanyahu’s supporters.

The Israeli Justice System and the Police react very differently when the right and the left protest. 

On April 3, 2023 Arutz 7 reported “Transportation Minister Miri Regev claims the leftists protesting against the judicial reform are receiving preferential treatment from the police…On the left-wing demonstrations against the reform, she said, “The police are treating the anarchists from the left as though they are privileged. They should have prevented the blocking of the roads and their incitement, and dealt with those thugs in a strict manner, as is done with other protesters who break the law. The preferential treatment they received proves the need for a judicial reform.”

On March 28, 2023 Jonathan Tobin wrote in Arutz 7 “After months of increasingly strident mass protests against his government’s plans to reform Israel’s out-of-control and highly partisan judicial system, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears to have given in to the pressure. He said he was going to be “delaying judicial reform to give real dialogue a chance.” But it’s highly doubtful that this will merely be a timeout that will help his supporters regroup and enable opponents to calm down and accept a compromise on the issue.  On the contrary, Netanyahu is waving the white flag on judicial reform—and everyone knows it.” 

Jack Engelhart wrote “…they trample Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, shut down highways, airports and medical services. They bolt embassies to take their cause worldwide…”

On March 20, 2023 Arutz 7 reported “A haredi couple was driving through Tel Aviv on Sunday when protesters surrounded their car and severely beat the husband. The police have yet to contact the couple, and the incident is being ignored in mainstream media.”

Adina Kutnicki wrote “This national tear-down is ongoing – despite the fact that PM Netanyahu, a “serial accommodator“, caved to the dictates of “mob rule”: ceasing the mandated judicial overhaul, let the electoral wishes of the majority Jewish public be damned!”

Why is the police effective to prevent right wing protests but not left wing protests? 

A parallel can be drawn comparing the way both Biden’s America and Israel are byased when addressing left and right protests.

American Greatness reported “Attorney General Merrick Garland’s office has targeted parents at school board meetings as potential terrorists, but is indifferent to Antifa running rampant in some American cities, launching military-style assaults on a new police training facility in Atlanta, and storming state capitol buildings in Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin.” 

On March 29, 2023 the Gateway Pundit reported “Merrick Garland Caught Lying Under Oath – Exposed for Telling US Marshals NOT to Arrest Leftist Protesters Outside SCOTUS Justices’ Homes – But Calls for 1,000 More Arrests of Trump Supporters Standing Outside US Capitol on Jan. 6

“…Senator Katie Britt (R-AL) confronted Attorney General Merrick Garland on his defilement of US Justice system.  Merrick Garland, arguably the most dishonest AG in US history, refuses to investigate or prosecute blatant criminal activity on the left.  But hunts down Trump supporters and raids their homes at 6 AM in the morning for walking inside the US Capitol on January 6 after they were waved in by police officers.  On Tuesday during the Senate Appropriations Committee hearing, Senator Britt questioned Garland about the fact that US Marshals guarding the homes of Supreme Court justices were instructed “not to arrest protesters” at the homes. This was despite the fact that Garland previously claimed that the marshals had a free hand when it came to making arrests.  

“Senator Britt: You said, quote, “The marshals have been advised, and they know and the marshals on the ground, they have full authority to arrest people under any federal statute, including that federal statute,” end quote. That was in direct reference to Section 1507. You went on to say, the Attorney General does not decide whether to arrest. The Marshals on the scene they do make the decision of whether to arrest.” 

 “The freshman senator continued:  Senator Britt: “After your appearance before the Judiciary Committee, we obtained copies of the slide deck that were used to train and prepare the Marshals for their protective detail at the homes of the Justices. Those training materials show that the marshals likely didn’t make any arrests under Section 1507 for a pretty simple reason they were actively discouraged from doing so. As you can see on the slide behind me, the marshals were explicitly told to avoid, unless absolutely necessary, any criminal enforcement action involving the protester.  It gets worse. The DOJ told the Marshals NOT TO ENGAGE in “protest-related enforcement.”  

“Senator Britt: The next slide directs the Marshals not to engage in protest-related enforcement actions beyond those that were strictly and immediately necessary and tailored to ensure the physical security of the justices. If you’ll see in the next slide here, it discourages the Marshals from making arrests under any section 1507 by asserting that “there may be a First Amendment right to harass the families of the judges.”  

“The Attorney General was purposefully putting the lives of the Supreme Court justices and their families in mortal danger.  He ordered the stand down!

 “…And at the same time, he is set to arrest another 1,000 Trump supporters for standing outside the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, during the Fedsurrection.  It boggles the mind.”

Biden’s America and Israel react in different ways to left and right protests. How would the Israeli police react if the right in Israel used the same tactics than the left? The left shut down highways, airports and medical services, what would happen if the right did the same to demand the application of sovereignty?

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