This is just a brief history lesson about Israel, but it’s very important. Why? Because it’s the truth. And because a Muslim said it!
The Truth About Israel Told by a Muslim
Social media is filled with lies about the one and only Jewish state. Few news outlets share the truth about Israel. In a world that heavily relies on the internet and technology, people are seeing lies about Israel constantly. It is pure antisemitism, and it spreads rapidly.
So when a Muslim is choosing to share the truth about Israel, we need to make it be heard throughout the world. It is the job of those who know the truth to share the truth.
It takes a lot for Muslims to speak positively about Israel publicly. Many Muslims might believe that Israel has every right to exist and for the Jewish people to live safely, but they afraid to say it out loud. It takes courage to swim against the tide in general, and especially when it comes to Muslims speaking about Israel.
The truth about the Jewish state is not brain surgery. It’s very simple. There is not crazy research involved to get to the truth. Everything is so clear. The facts are the facts, and anti-Israel activists can’t change the past, no matter how hard they might try. Of course there is more history to Israel than this one minute video, being that Israel and the Jewish people have thousands of years of history together. But even in one minute, you can share important truths about Israel.