WWII veteran says Muslim and Liberal movements are reviving Jew hatred

by Micha Gefen

World War Two veteran, Staff Sgt. Leon Waldman sees a frightening parallel between the rise of Muslim and Liberal movements and the Jew hatred he thought he had helped destroy when the West defeated the Nazis.

“You know the LA Times covered up the Holocaust. They wouldn’t print stories about it. Some people say it was at the behest of Franklin Roosevelt.”

Sgt. Waldman sees a direct connection between today’s Israeli-Arab conflict and the Nazi war against the Jews. “It’s the same thing.” He says adamantly. He points out that the Arab country’s being far more numerous always sway UN votes in favor of their cause and against Israel. This is despite the fact that they are despotic and repressive regimes.

Many people compare the Nazis to right wing fringe groups, but the fact is they were a Democratic Socialist movement that worked alongside Islamic fundamentalist like Faisal Husseini to target Jews.

When looked at through that lens the comparison is not too far off the mark.

“They want us all dead,” SGT. Waldman says. In a message to the younger generation he says: “Just look back in history and see who is starting all the wars and who is starting all the terror.

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