Why I’m extremely untrusting of this “unity” government between Lapid and Bennet…

by Avi Abelow

1. It’s not a unity government. The left is the champion of hijacking language to make it seem as if they are so moral, yet their intentions are anything but.

2. Around the time of the 2005 Gaza expulsion, Yair Lapid wrote a column saying that the destruction of 21 Jewish communities and expulsion of 10,000 Jews from their homes, was not about making peace with the Arabs but punishing the religious-settler movement, teaching them a lesson and returning them to their natural “position”.

He has yet to apologize for that remark, which basically means that the sole purpose of the Gaza expulsion was to punish the national religious public, even though it was Yitzchak Rabin and a Labor government that established the Jewish communities in Gaza and plenty of non-religious Jews lived there as well.

Hence, I don’t trust Lapid’s stance on unity either.

3. Returning to our current political situation, Naftali Bennett might think he will achieve a number of right-wing agenda items by joining Lapid, the anti-Zionist meretz party (that wants IDF soldiers to be prosecuted at The Hague) and the Muslim Brotherhood Ra’am party, and he might achieve some of those things, but he is ignoring the elephant in the room.

The ideological left are much more powerful and dangerous in power than the ideological right.

– The anti-Israel ideological left has much more funding (European countries and the EU fund the ideological left in addition to plenty of global foundations, like the Ford Foundation, in addition to the New Israel Fund and their network of anti-Israel organizations.

– They have tons of think tanks, foundations and years of planning to execute their strategies. (Something the ideological right does not have because of the differential amount of funding, as noted above)

– The media and the progressive court system won’t stop them, as they stop all the policies and laws of the ideological right. So, when the right is in power, it takes years to make changes, having to overcome years of court cases. The left won’t have those problems. Their policy changes will be immediate.

In essence, the progressive, anti-Jewish agenda of the ideological left will take advantage of being in power to do as much damage as they can, including giving more power to the Reform and Conservative movements in Israel. (Reform and Conservative Jews are not the problem, it’s most of their organizational leaders and Rabbis who are the problem, leading them against Israel and their authentic Jewish identity)

During a time when Reform and Conservative Jewry in America is dying because the progressive values their leaders are spreading are leading young Jews to become anti-Israel and cut themselves off from their authentic Jewish identity.

This Lapid-Bennett government, instead of bringing the Jewish pride of Israel to help strengthen American Jewry, will be bringing the destructive progressivism of US reform/conservative Jewry to Israel. Not only will that continue to weaken American Jewry but it will further weaken certain sectors of Israeli Jewry.

I get it. I know Lapid, Bennett, Liberman and a lot of religious people on the right, want to break the political monopoly of the Ultra-Orghodix in Israel. However, partnering with the progressive agenda of the New Israel Fund to weaken the Jewish character of the State of Israel, will just switch one bad situation with another even worse situation.

Again, I believe we will overcome whatever damage this Bennett-Lapid government brings upon us, it just will be damaging and painful before we fix it. We overcame the disasterous Rabin, Barak and Sharon governments that all inflicted tremendous damage on Israel, that we are still paying for today.

And as I said earlier, this is understanding that Bennett and Saar might be successful in implementing some right-wing agenda items that Netanyahu failed to implement. The main question though is at what price???

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