Watch the Clip That Earned Candace Owens the Antisemite of the Year Award

by Phil Schneider

“Child Sacrifice?” Somebody has gone way off the deep end. It is downright shocking that someone with the wisdom that Candace possesses could get to the point of intellectually believing Middle Age nonsense. Sigmund Freud was a Kabbalist? Where on earth does she come up with these preposterous notions?  There is much that needs to be clarified about how Candace Owens could have had such a prominent place on so many mediums that featured Jewish people at the helm of the organizations. Then one day, for seemingly intellectual reasons, she throws it all away in order to become the spokeswomen of hatred of the Jewish people in general and the State of Israel in particular.   

More recently, Candace took up the issue of Israel’s supposed “intentional” attack on the USS Liberty back in June 1967. The Israel Guys explain clearly that the calumny of the IDF attack on the USS Liberty back in June 1967 is very indicative of everything that Candace is doing to malign the State of Israel. The evidence that Israel thought it was a US ship is not strong. Yes. there was an American flag on the ship. But it definitely was not supposed to be that close to Israel. It was almost definitely a mistaken attack, and it was a terrible incident that will always be a stain on the amazingly successful Six Day War in Israel.   

But the anti-Israel line is to always look at the anti-Israel angle on matters that can be interpreted in both ways. For example, did the Israeli pilots see the American flag on the American ship? It is not clear. But perhaps the most incriminating piece of evidence against what Candace argues is that Arthur Goldberg, the US Ambassador to the UN, made it clear to the entire UN, two days before the attack, that there are no US vessels anywhere in the area of the war. Does that at least throw some shade on the conspiratorial notion that it was an intentional attack?

The “evil Zionists” are not the source of evil in the world. Actually, Israel is perhaps the greatest source of blessing in the world. 


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