WATCH: Speaker McCarthy’s History Making Speech At The Knesset

by Micha Gefen

Speaker McCarthy opened his address in the Knesset with the following remarks: “Ladies and gentlemen, Israel’s rebirth is nothing left than a modern miracle, and I thank you for it.”

“If we remain united, then the forces of freedom and democracy will always prevail,” McCarthy declared. “This is the foundation of our special relationship. We are the only two countries in history that were conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all are equal.”

“America is grateful for our friendship with Israel. We are a better nation because of it, and we must never shy away from defending it.”

McCarthy visited Israel with a bipartisan delegation.

“Most of the turmoil in this region, of violence and instability, can be traced back to that source, which continues to fund terrorism, arms its proxy militias, and pursues nuclear weapons,” he said.

“To deter Iran’s dangerous behavior, our nations must continue to stand together,” McCarthy added. “As long as I am Speaker, America will continue to support the full funding for security assistance in Israel.”

“Together, we will defeat Iran’s precision-guided missiles, their drones, their terror tunnels and cyber attacks. As we stand shoulder to shoulder against Iran’a regional aggression, we must always remain resolute in our commitment that Iran will never acquire a nuclear weapons,” he declared.

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