Watch Elon Musk Destroy BBC Reporter in Live Interview

by Phil Schneider

“Who should be the arbiter of truth?” Elon Musk tackles the issue of moderation of social media platforms in this extremely tension-filled interview.

Elon Musk has no problem turning the tables in this BBC interview. Elon Musk simply has no problem destroying the interview in order to make it clear that the BBC is not at all about reporting, but about advancing specific narratives.

The great pause from Elon Musk is in order to confuse and disarm the attacks from BBC. Musk understands that what bothers all of those who attack him for his Twitter moderation policies is that he is simply not toeing the progressive radical left way of thinking. He is actually allowing people to say unpleasant and even insulting things.

Musk does not merely believe in free speech. He knows that what Twitter was all about in the past was not about protecting free speech, but about restricting free speech in order to promote woke values. Elon Musk has brought back normalcy to Twitter.

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