Watch Ben Shapiro Knock Out The Idea Of Unlimited Free Speech In The Classroom

by Phil Schneider

Schools should be places where our children are taught information, inspired to learn more about the world, and exposed to role models who represent all that is good in this world. Today, very little is learned in many schools across the nation, inspiration is not the norm, but some positive role modeling is certainly occurring.

The problem is that much of what is being taught today in lower and higher education are not objective matters such as math, science, and languages. Instead, there exist a plethora of classes on things such as comparing conflicts around the world and gender studies. These are all code words for justifying teachers who view the classroom as a place to indoctrinate and not to inform, educate, and inspire.

On a personal level, around 30 years ago, I had a professor who was not very good at hiding his communist sympathies. But, he taught philosophy and psychology in a most objective manner. He had no problem pointing out the obvious problems with modern-day Communism. This was taking place as the Soviet Union was crumbling from the inside. This professor, 30 years ago, would never have tried to indoctrinate. That was clearly a red line that professors did not readily cross. If pressed, he probably would have admitted where his inclinations leaned. But the class came out with a clear understanding of the origins of Marxism, capitalism, socialism, and other forms of life that form the philosophical underpinnings of most of the world, without any attempt to indoctrinate.

Today, the vast majority of students come out of college understanding that either they are progressive or they are old-fashioned, outdated, and worst of all – insensitive. Only the ignorant would think that insensitivity should be the chief value to base one’s opinions on. But ignorance dominates the landscape today of education – at so many levels.

A wholesale change is necessary for insuring that future generations are not dominated by ignorance. Woke values are not based on facts as much as they are based on feelings. That is why Ben Shapiro, Mr. Fact, has become so popular, as he uses facts to prove that feelings-based decisions so often lead to absolute absurdity. We need a return to normalcy and facts.

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