Uncovering Dead Sea Scrolls secrets

by Leah Rosenberg

20,000 fragments of the ancient Bible sat untouched near the Dead Sea for close to 2,000 years!
Restoration work following archaeological finds is a monumental task, but today scientists are doing exactly that and are bringing ancient texts back to life.

Book of Psalms

This Israeli group restores archaeological treasures from the Dead Sea from the Byzantine Era and earlier.  It is one thing to discuss tradition and the Bible.  It is another thing to see it with one’s own eyes.  They even found sections from the Book of Psalms and Leviticus.

Archaeological Finds in Israel

The significance of archaeology in Israel cannot be underestimated.  The Bible is not merely the #1 bestseller in the history of the world.  It is the most important proof of God’s existence in the world. Moreover, new finds confirm that many of the stories of the Bible are scientifically true.  That creates a tremendous amount of excitement as to the fact that all of the amazing stories of miracles are not merely stories, but historical facts.

Adam Zertal

Adam Zertal, one of the most amazing archaeologists of the last few decades discovered several amazing finds.  First off, he found what he claims is proof of the altar that Joshua used right when the Jews entered the Land of Israel.

In addition, Zertal found an altar in the area of Jericho, in a place called Gilgal.  Zertal found the area exactly where it is supposed to be – right near Jericho.  There is a circular altar exactly in the area that the Book of Joshua describes.  This all occurred right after the Jews entered the Land of Israel.

Lastly, everything about the City of David is now an open book to see and experience.  Right outside of the area where the Temple stood, the entire history of the Roman destruction of Jerusalem is now visible.  King David’s palace, ancient tunnels, and springs, are all open to experience by anyone looking to not just read but experience the Bible.



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