Trump Administration Can’t Come Soon Enough! Must Watch Interview with Trumps Pick For Counter Terrorism

by Phil Schneider

How do you defeat terrorism at it’s core? Has it ever been done effectively? Can you just bomb it into oblivion? What if there are millions of people who are filled with strong feelings of terrorism towards the Jewish people? Is there anything that can be done accept to battle them endlessly?

The times that we are living in may be unprecedented in many ways. But there are most certainly similarities between the threat of radical Islamic terrorism and the threat of the German people during World War II towards Europe and it’s neighbors. 

The growth of the Nazi party in Germany is a fascinating story of a small minority becoming a larger minority and then ultimately usurping power without ever receiving a majority of the vote. It required a massive devaluation of the German currency, a deep feeling of loss of honor following WWI, and a sense that there must have been a massive traitorous reason for their loss in a war that they did not feel that they lost. It was a rare mix of reasons that led to the complicated emotional decision by masses of Germans to throw their lot with a madman who promised to restore German honor, pin all the blame on the Jews, and bring back financial prowess to Germany. 

It is always fascinating how short a distance it is for seemingly civilized people to throw in their lot with those of barbaric nature. It often happens in a matter of a few years.

What is perhaps just as amazing about Germany’s descent into a barbaric warrior nation that perpetrated crimes against humanity on a biblical level is the speed in which Germany returned from their descent into evil. This occurred specifically because of the decision by the Allies, led by the United States, to occupy Germany following the Allied victory in World War II. 

The US did not merely occupy Germany. They reeducated and insured that any sprouts of the ideology that led to the destruction of the lives of tens of millions would be eradicated at the source. West Germany became modernized, returned to a state of honor and modernity, and were ashamed of their recent past. This happened over a few decades. Within 40 years, East Germany followed suit with the downfall of the Communist Empire. Germany is today a modern Western country protecting against threats from other countries.   

The Islamic Terrorist movement of masses of Arabs in the Middle East can be defeated. But it will require a firm understanding that any location that is used as a platform for terror will be destroyed, occupied, and never allowed to rear its head again as a source for terror. The religious source of Islamic terror means that it won’t be easy to convince a whole new generation that they have more to gain than to lose by modernizing and dropping the machine guns once and for all. This will take firm resolve, an iron fist against terror, and at least one generation being reeducated, but it is doable. Just look at United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco, and much of Saudi Arabia. Sebastian Gorka understands this well. 


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