This Israeli Airline Ad is the Greatest Response Ever Given to Jew-Hatred 

by Leah Rosenberg

Elal is the official Israeli airline. This video ad that they produced is extremely powerful and uplifting. Check it out!

Israeli Airline Ad’s Powerful Message to Jews and the World

Wow. This message is powerful. With all the Jew-hatred in the world today, it’s important to remember that the Jewish people are one. We stand together. And when we stand together, we are stronger. G-d wants us to be united. Because the Jewish people are truly all one family, we are there for each other – especially when everyone else seems to be against us. We cannot and should not despair.

It’s important for all Jews to know this and also for the world to know this. This incessant Jew-hatred cannot and will not break us. We have survived thousands of years of some of the worst atrocities mankind has ever seen. We have been subjected to the worst and most vile hatred. Yet, we are still here. We are not only here, but we are thriving. The Jewish people are proud. We are not embarrassed of who we are and what we represent.

Elal might “just be” the official Israeli airline, but this ad really nailed it. It struck a chord. It uplifted the Jewish spirit.

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