The top Israel boycotting movement is worse than you think

by Leah Rosenberg

The BDS movement talks about what they do as a boycott and a divestment movement against Israeli goods that come from the disputed lands in the State of Israel.  That sounds like a reasonable stance to take for those who think that Israel should make a compromise and give away or “give back” some of the Land of Israel to Arabs who want their own State.    Reasonable – right?  No.  Totally wrong.

The BDS movement talks about what they do as a boycott and a divestment movement against Israeli goods that come from the disputed lands in the State of Israel.  That sounds like a reasonable stance to take for those who think that Israel should make a compromise and give away or “give back” some of the Land of Israel to Arabs who want their own State.    Reasonable – right?  No.  Totally wrong.

A Foundation of Lies

Before we discuss the ideas of the BDS movement, one needs to understand that the Arabs in the State of Israel have never claimed that all they want is their own State.  They have always said and continue to say that they do no recognize the State of Israel.  That’s right – they reject the entire State.  They do not want a small State west of the Jordan river.  BDSers never scream that.  The most common chant of the BDS is “From the River to the Sea.”  That means – from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, we want an Arab State.  So where does that leave the Jewish people.  To the West – into the Sea.  So, first off, let’s respect our Arab foes.  They say what they mean.  They don’t want a Jewish State in the Land of Israel.

The Big Lie

The BDS activists claim that they have a gripe on the controversial areas of the West Bank.  This is a lie, but it’s a smart lie.  It provides the seeming ethical underpinnings for their movement as a human rights movement.  This tugs at the feelings of college students who are naturally against anyone who violates anyone’s rights to anything.  That is the progressive attitude that has spread like wildfire.

In truth, there is no BDS leader who believes that the issue is all about an area in Israel that is disputed.  It is all about the entire State of Israel.  Let’s put it on the table.  The BDS is the most popular movement to destroy a country and it is based on progressive human rights.

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