The surprising message to Jewish Democrats

by Leah Rosenberg

Former New York State assemblyman Dov Hikind tells his fellow Jewish Democrats something important. Hikind slams them. Listen up to how.

Jewish Democrats

Democrats need to wake up to what is happening in their party. But even more so, JEWISH Democrats need to wake up. How can they allow such horrific antisemitism in their party? How can they allow people like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to speak such hateful words about the Jewish people and Israel? If the Jewish Democrats themselves don’t speak up against this in mass numbers, what does that say about them? They are so afraid to admit that their party is in shambles. They are so afraid to admit that a Democrat can actually be wrong about something.

Hating Trump Over Antisemitism

Dov Hikind touches upon an important point: Democrats are more hateful of the president of the United States than they are of the antisemitism in their party. They unite to stand against Donald Trump as oppose to using their energy to fight against the antisemitism in the Democratic party. It is absurd! As Hikind said, “A lot of Democrats are not going to leave the Democratic Party. I get that. But I am urging Democrats: TAKE A VACATION in 2020!”

Well said, Mr. Hikind. Well said.

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