The Media Got a Major Slap in the Face from This Republican Governor Candidate

by Phil Schneider

Yes, the elections in 2020 did not go smoothly without any hitches. That is actually not really a newsworthy issue. It probably can be said about nearly every election, since the inception of the United States. The critical question is whether or not the “meddling” in 2020 was on a different scale than any other election, and especially whether or not it was the cause for the outcome. That is a matter that should absolutely be discussed.

Donald Trump should not be the main person claiming that the election was rigged. That simply does not reflect well on him. But, there is no doubt that the drop off option was used more extensively in this election than in any other election, due to concerns from Covid. But did the cheaters abuse the system in the middle of the night in multiple cities that were in States that were the key battleground states?

It is not just one candidate that believes so. Many others believe so too. This will probably be the subject of many documentaries in the coming years. But, one need not hold one’s breath. 2024 will probably see even more attempts to steal the election. Will the Republicans also try to steal the election – especially if Donald Trump is nominated? I wouldn’t be surprised. It is not only Democrats who know how to steal. Republicans also like to win.

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