The Islamic Speech That Might Finally Wake Up the Western World

by Leah Rosenberg

This Islamic speech says it all. Everything you need to know about Hamas and radical Islam in under 3 minutes.

Islamic Speech Exposes the Truth

How much more will it take for the world to wake up to the truth about Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, and radical Islam? It’s most definitely not a joke. This is what they believe, and this is what they plan to do. This leader of the Muslim Brotherhood makes it clear in his radical Islamic speech what Muslims are told to do. They want to take over the world. They want to destroy all that is good.

This speech was even given in English! How can the Western World ignore the truth any longer? Do they not believe it? Do they think these radical Muslims actually want peace? If the average person can be aware of these warnings, world leaders can and should most definitely be aware. They must stand strong against the face of radical Islam. We can already see the way radical Muslims are trying to take over different parts of the Western World.

What are our leaders waiting for? Do they truly want to wait until it’s too late? This radical Muslim leader clearly says here that Muslims believe “The Day of Judgement will not happen until Islam prevails and we become victorious and we will rule the whole world.” They are not trying to hide the truth. So why are the leaders of the free world trying to hide it for them?

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