The Disturbing Connection Between the So-Called “Palestinians” on 9/11 and Oct. 7

by Leah Rosenberg

This truth about 9/11 and Oct. 7 has been well documented. “Palestinian” Arabs hate Jews and hate Americans. They hate life and praise death.

How “Palestinian” Arabs Responded to 9/11 and Oct. 7

It’s extremely disturbing, to say the least. But the world needs to know. “Palestinian” Arabs celebrated the 9/11 attacks on America, and they celebrated the Oct. 7 massacre against the Jewish people and the state of Israel. Yes, there are some who didn’t celebrate. Some so-called “Palestinians” want peace and are happy to live side by side with Jews. But the fact of the matter is that most want to murder Jews. Most support Hamas. You cannot deny that because it is a hard truth. The statistics show that, history shows that, and the proof is clear.

Even an Israeli Arab himself is willing to say it like it is! Yoseph Haddad knows the truth and believes it’s important for you to know the truth as well. The majority of “Palestinian” Arabs are not peace-loving. They literally celebrate the brutal murders of innocent Israelis and Americans. That’s what they get joy from. How sickening! And it will only do you and the world harm if you can’t admit that.

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