The best Passover song that will have you groovin

by Phil Schneider

This version of the Passover story is pure fun – nothing else. Don’t watch this if you don’t want to have a tune stuck in your head over the next few days. These awesome dancers have created a version of Pesach that is 99% fun and 1% story of Passover. Enjoy and learn…some dance moves.

Aish is a movement based in Jerusalem to bring the light of the Bible to the masses. They do it in a myriad of ways – all of which are based on sharing the beauty and the light of God’s Holy Torah – The Bible. This is the most fun, dance-filled corner of what Aish is all about. It is their video production division of their massively popular website –

There is more Jewish content from so many amazing angles on the website. You will find everything about every Jewish Holiday on that website. But more than anything, it is filled with inspiration from so many different angles. Parenting, marriage, and beautiful values – all inspired by the light of the Torah – the Bible – come alive in new and hip ways on Much of this video clip is filmed on the streets of Gush Etzion – in the city of Efrat.

Check it out and you’ll find fun and inspiring ways of explaining the basics of Judaism. Their most famous Torah dance video may be their Jewish New Year video. But this Passover video is a gem too for those who like a good dance video.

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