Terror Tunnel Found In Judea, Are There More?

by Micha Gefen

Just when you thought it cannot get any crazier – soldiers and residents of Adora and Telem in Western Har Hebron found what appears to be a terror tunnel near the community of Telem.

An official letter from the community reads as follows:

“During the searches in one of the illegal buildings in the A Tayba area – near the antenna hill, we found the beginning of a branched modern tunnel shaft suspected of being a terrorist infrastructure. After locating the shaft, experts came to the area and confirmed the findings, and confirmed that it was not an archaeological infrastructure or a normal water cistern. We as a settlement cannot let this go. We will demand the demolition of the illegal buildings in Area C. We will do everything to make sure that the safety of the residents of Adora and the travelers on the axis is maintained.”

The IDF has found extensive tunnel networks in Jenin and elsewhere in Judea and Samaria. All of this should make anyone wonder - just how many terror tunnels are there in Judea and Samaria?

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