There is no one thing that unifies the Jewish people more than the yearning to return to Jerusalem. In every wedding ceremony, Passover Seder, and Yom Kippur prayer service, a high point is the prayer to return to Jerusalem. It is indeed part and parcel of the essence of the Jewish people for more than 100 generations. The resolve of the Israeli leadership is rarely as strong as on this one issue – the unity of Jerusalem.

#עדכון הצהרה סופר חשובה של שר המשפטים גדעון סער על דרישת ארה״ב לפתוח קונסוליה לפלסטינים בירושלים. ״בשום פנים ואופן. אני רוצה להיות מאוד ברור. אנחנו מתנגדים לזה. שמעתי שאומרים שעבוד הנשיא זו הבטחת בחירות. עבורנו זו הבטחת הדורות״. @IsraelHayomHeb @Jerusalem_Post
— Ariel Kahana אריאל כהנא (@arik3000) October 13, 2021
Former Ambassador David Friedman deserves an enormous amount of credit for what he accomplished when he succeeded in bringing to fruition the plan to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem. This was promised over and over again by Presidential candidates from both sides of the aisle. Bill Clinton declared his intentions to move the Embassy.. George W. Bush declared his intentions. But time and again, the actual move was delayed. The reasoning was always that the timing wasn’t great, and there was concern about the sensitivity of the region. The assumption was always that any move would lead to a fiery conflict, like another intifada, in the region.
Nothing of the sort happened when the US Embassy was moved to Jerusalem. The Arab connection to Jerusalem is based more on anti-Jewish hatred, and less on a genuine connection to the ancient city. More than 1,000 years before the birth of Mohammed, the Jewish Temple stood in Jerusalem. Israel’s Justice Minister, Gideon Saar is right. The bond of the Jewish people is the core reason why the Jewish people will never agree to a divided Jerusalem.