This is absolutely absurd to listen to. No matter what you feel about President Trump, speaking like this is just wrong. They should be ashamed.
A “Mob Family”?
It does not matter what your political or personal views are about President Trump. This is truly terrible to listen to. How can they talk like this? What are they accusing him of for being a “mob family,” and what crimes did he commit that he will “pardon” himself for? What actor Robert De Niro and those on The View are saying and agreeing to absolute nonsense, and dangerous.
Further into the interview, De Niro said that all Trump supporters should “be afraid” after he is out of office. What kind of talk is that? Why should Trumpsupporters be afraid? Afraid of whom? Is De Niro threatening?And why is there approval from the View hosts for such horrendous comments?
They talk about Trump as if he is a murderer and a criminal. And that 73 million Americans who voted for him have to be afraid. Is that the future of “healing” that they are looking forward to under a potential Biden administration?
When will these people come back to reality and put things into perspective. From how they are talking in this video, it seems that they have seriously lost it.