There are two critical issues that Jewish American voters in the election ought to think about in addition to the standard elction issues of runaway inflation and unbridled immigration. Those issues are the criminal attacks on Jews on college campuses and neighborhoods and the handling/pressuring of Israel during the present war with Hamas.
There is no Jew today on a college campus that is not in danger. They may feel that they are secure and their college campus may not have been one of the tens of campuses that allowed harassment of Jewish students to run rampant. But young people today in the United States (and Canada) are overwhelmingly loose with their tongues and keyboards in expressing full-fledged straightout hatred of Jewish people as part of their hatred of Israel. It is not just a mere fad. It is fashionable and cool to think that hating Jews means standing up for human rights. Even gay, trans, and whatever other category of people that would be thrown off a roof in a Hamas-run country actively support Hamas in attacking the Jewish State. Sounds illogical, but it is the reality.
It is sad to say but must be said. To quote Kamala Harris, “young people do stupid things.” But these young people have been educated by older professors who are not stupid. They are sickening Jew-haters who don’t care about Jewish women being raped and Jewish children being burned by Hamas terrorists. They are the modern version of the German people and their sympathizers in the 1930’s and 1940’s (some of whom lived in the USA) who believed then that since Jews accrued too much power, that somehow justifies killing them by the millions and burning their children.
The Hamas barbarians have supporters in America and one of them is running for President. Yes, a matzo ball-making women who is married to a Jew believes that Israel should agree to a ceasefire with the barbaric Hamas. Who could ever have imagined that this would happen? This same Presidential candidate egged on the Black Lives Matter protesters while serving as Vice President. The protesters were not overwhelmingly peaceful and law abiding. They were exactly the opposite. They were militantly aggressive and harassed thousands of shopkeepers and people.
Today, she is pushing Israel into the corner to accept a ceasefire that leaves Hamas in power just to placate the Arab voters in Michigan – a critical swing state she needs to win the election. The main reason to vote for Donald Trump is not only his record vis-a-vis Israel and his ability to recharge the economy and control inflation. It is to to keep a dangerous candidate out of power who will be terrible for Jewish Americans, the State of Israel, and stability all over the world.