This is one of the most important pieces of information about corona/covid-19 from world renown Epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch.

The above quote is from the full testimony at a Senate session in Nov. 2020: (click here for the CSPAN video testimony)
Here are a selection of some of the key points from his testimony:
“Even if we find the vaccines eventually work effectively and safely as we all hope, myself included, people will still get sick and die. Early outpatient treatment is still and will be continuing an essential part of ending this pandemic. Thank you very much”
Beforehand he stated the following (after explaining why all the studies stating hydroxychloroquine is dangerous, including the FDA ruling, are fraudulent):
“I restated that every outpatient study of HC-Q has shown benefits and there are no studies as far as I know of last night that our high-risk use in outpatients do not show benefit at all.
“Now we spent the last six months with formal government policies and warnings against outpatient treatment and the government invested large, very large amounts of vaccines and expense of new treatments which have yet to be proven while it’s been no support evaluating inexpensive medication and a quarter of a million Americans have died from this mismanaged approach”
All I can add is that I’m not pro or anti the vaccine. I’m pro saving lives!
And I’m pro waking people up to question why the above information is being suppressed and was not acted upon. An act of extreme negligence that has led to the deaths of many people, all over the world, who could have been saved with early-treatment, had they only been provided proper information from the medical establishment, governments and media.
Now, how to continue posting this information without having facebook continue to punish me for posting information about a live-saving early diagnosis outpatient treatment that is saving lives all over the world…
Another question people should be asking themselves is why are the medical establishment, governments, media and social media companies suppressing information that could save lives?
To further internalize the absurdity of it all, read this article and watch the two videos:
Everyone do your own research about everything, get medical advice, do what you believe the right thing to do is, and stay healthy!!!