Japanese Americans took part in many of the United States field operations during World War II. This is at the same time that the United States was fighting the Japanese Army on the Eastern Front. One of the amazing things that occurred during World War II was that the Japanese soldiers actually freed US soldiers from their death marches.
Sure enough, there were some ragged Jews who were more dead than alive. But some of them were the few lucky ones who encountered the Japanese soldiers. On May 2, 1992, there was a reunion of the rescuers and the prisoners in Jerusalem. It is so hard to understand the world that existed back in World War II from the vantage point of today.
Japanese Americans were largely put into detention camps in the United States when Japan invaded the United States at Pearl Harbor. The negative term, “Japs” became the normal term. Japanese born Americans were treated like enemies in the midst of the United States. The only way to avoid this was for a Japanese American to enlist in the United States Army. So, many people signed up. They did not know that they would be at the tip of the spear in the invasions against the United States’s main enemy – Germany. In the end, many of the Japanese American soldiers ended up freeing Jewish Holocaust survivors and defeating the German Army.