This is a groundbreaking poll by the Legal Grounds Campaign. It puts a nail in the coffin in the belief that a majority of Israelis support the two-state solution. The Legal Grounds Campaign was set up to pressure the Israeli government to finally stand up for Israel’s legal rights to its land in Judea, Samaria
The Palestinian Arabs Lie About the Facts
A biting musical parody showcasing how the decades-old reality of pushing for a “two state solution” has been based on outright lies. It will have you laughing out loud but crying that Israel never stood up strong to call out the lies. At least the Israeli people no longer buy it.
Great Background Video with the Facts
Israel’s Rights According to International Law
The New Poll
After two decades of growing terror, Israelis are finally internalizing that
As expressed in the video, the Legal Ground Campaign poll shows that ‘Israelis have come to understand they cannot put a sovereign state here (in Samaria) overlooking 70 percent of our population right here,’ explains Legal Grounds member Jeff Daube. ‘Palestinian statehood would