See One of the Most Exciting Moments in the City of David Excavations

by Leah Rosenberg

Discovering what took place in Jerusalem thousands of years ago is remarkable. Come and see the City of David and all its history!

City of David

If you have never been to the City of David before, that should be next on your vacation list. Visiting a place with so much Biblical history is magnificent! Walking in the same footsteps as King David himself! There is no way to deny all the archaeology that is found in the area.

Yes, you will uncover destruction in the area – the destruction that led to the exiles of the Jewish people. And it is painful. But from destruction comes the continuation of the nation of Israel. From the destruction comes the rebuilding. Despite all the hardship, the Jewish people continued to live. They continued to find hope. It is all part of the long history of the Jews.

The world wants to deny that tight bond between Israel and the Jewish people. They want to deny all the evidence. They side with the “Palestinians” who made up their history and claim they have a right to Jerusalem and Israel. But the “Palestinians” have no history to prove it; no archaeology. No City of David! Their history was made up starting in 1967…

Digging in Jerusalem has brought more truth to the world and more proof of the ancient connection between the people of Israel and the land of Israel. If only more of the world opened its eyes to the truth – it is so, so obvious.

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