High On The Har was proud to host Rabbi Pini Dunner, of the Beverly Hills California Synagogue, and his Lone Soldier son for a tour of the Temple Mount. While on the Mount Rabbi Dunner took a moment to share two extremely important facts that might shock many.
As Rabbi Dunner succintly pointed out, the Temple Mount is the holiest place to the Jewish people, not the Western Wall of the Temple Mount.
Due to centuries of Ottoman rule, Jews were forbidden from going up to our holiest site. Instead, Jews got used to visiting the closest place we could, the Western Wall of the Temple Mount. Over time, people have been conditioned to believe that the Western Wall is the holiest site to the Jewish people. Unfortunately, there are even plenty of Jewish leaders who publicly speak about it, in the context of allowing Muslims to have “their” holy site, the Temple Mount, and the Jews having our holy site, the Western Wall. But they are totally wrong, and misleading everyone who listens to them.
The Western Wall is the Western Wall of the Temple Mount! It is a retaining wall.
We are pleased to give tours to anyone visiting Israel and wanting to visit the holiest site to the Jewish people, the Temple Mount, following the Jewish traditions. Learn more or book a tour at HighOnTheHar.com