Poetic Justice as Unvaxxed Tennis Champion Wins Moderna Shot of The Day

by Avi Abelow

Novak Djokovic, arguably the world’s greatest tennis player, missed two years of competitive tennis tournaments because he refused to get the covid vaccine. This week, his win of the US Open was iconic because, in addition to his win solidifying himself still as the world’s best, he won the Moderna shot of the day, highlighting the absolute absurdity of the government vaccine mandates.

As written up back in August, 2022:

He’s arguably the world’s greatest tennis player and belongs squarely in the greatest-of-all-time conversation. But tennis fans won’t see him on one of its biggest stages at the U.S. Open because of the federal government’s rule against allowing unvaccinated non-U.S. citizens into the United States.

“Sadly, I will not be able to travel to NY this time for US Open,” Novak Djokovic wrote on Twitter. “Good luck to my fellow players! I’ll keep in good shape and positive spirit and wait for an opportunity to compete again.”  

As all people who refused to abide by their government vaccine mandates, Djokovic was treated like a pariah and delegitimized on the world stage, across world media. The following headline quotes how he feels in his own words…

Djokovic is a hero for every parent and educator to emulate. Why? Because of how he stood up for himself against the tyranny of world governments and medical mandates. In his own words….

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