Pfizer is Lying about the Vaccine Mandates

by Avi Abelow

It is unbelievable. People who forced the vaccines on the public seriously think that the public is stupid, forgetting about how we were all mandated by our governments, and forced by employers with termination, to get vaccinated.

Pfizer tells Senator Pauline Hanson “Nobody was forced” to take vaccines in Australia.

Pfizer told an Australian Senate hearing that “Nobody was forced to have the vaccine”, does that statement hold up to the reality faced by millions of people in Australia?

Let’s take a look at what “nobody was forced” really looked like.

Bonus take from Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla at the end acknowledging the effectiveness of punitive mandates.

This is in addition to the Australian media finally reporting upon the massive problem of vaccine injured, while also ignoring their own role in pushing the jab on the public.

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