Palestine Education = Terrorism

by Phil Schneider

When Israel makes the fateful decision to disallow education towards terrorism within it’s borders, it will signify the beginning of a generationils shift in the populationof Arabs that Israel is dealing with. This has been going on in Kuwait, UAE and other Arab countries where upward economic mobility has overtaken much of the previous sensibilities that kept these countries in a rather primitive state. It is no surprise that these countries are more prone towards normalization agreements with Israel.  

The children of any sadistic culture are always the most unfortunate ones. They are the ones who simply do not know anything outside of what they have been fed from home, school, and popular culture. The children of Germany in the 1950’s and 1960’s were not taught Nazi propaganda. How this was accomplished must be studied as it is absolutely a story of success.  

The first and most important part of what was done was a decades-long occupation of Germany by the United States and other allied countries. This did not only insure the peace and calm. It also pumped tens of millions of dollars into the German economy. But Nazi propaganda was eradicated from nearly every public sphere. People were embarrassed to admit the actions of their parents. That is an unfortunate. but necessary action when working to make such a monumental shift in a population. Call it reeducation. Call it nation-building. Call it whatever you want. It has to be done in a persistent fashion for decades. 

Germany is now a central part of NATO, and is perhaps the most central country keeping peace in Europe. This follows two of the most deadly wars in history that were both started by German aggression. Can the lives of tens of millions of Arabs be reformed in the Middle East, so that young children have a chance at a future that does not involve terror? Yes. But it will not take five or ten years. It is a generational problem. 

The real battle for youth is via social media companies, such as Tik-Tok, Instagram, and wherever the young eyes are glued to. The wealthy donors of this generation would be wise to invest their wealth towards programming that is geared to filling young people’s minds with righteous universal values – respect, love, happiness, freedom, and connecting to G-d. This is much greater than helping the plight of poor Arab children in the Middle East. It would spread beyond all borders. This should take on a new-form Disney-like channel that would not be woke and angry, but G-d respecting and happy. Not focused on color of skin, but on loving people respecting and enjoying other people as they each become happier and happier. No young child wants to be sad and alone.         

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