What country spent tens of millions of dollars and sent thousands of soldiers in order to airlift poor Black Africans stuck in a Civil War? The answer is Israel. Yes, Israel is the country that has done more to help poor Ethiopians by freeing them from their horrible situation. So, any time that the word racism is tossed around freely against Israel, the question must be asked, “How could Israel be racist if they do what they do to save Black Jews from Ethiopia?”
In Israel today, there are tens of thousands of Ethiopian Jews who are all descendants of the one of the 10 lost ten tribes of Israel. The absorption minister today is one of those tens of thousands of Jews who’s roots are in Ethiopia. The secretive journey included walking for days on end – hundreds of miles to go from Ethiopia to Sudan – barefoot.
The Mossad arranged for refugee camps for months for people to live in. Then one night, they were basically shoved into airplanes – the first time they had ever been on an airplane – and airlifted into Israel. Military airplanes literally landed in the middle of the desert and scooped up as many people as they could fit on the airplanes.
For many people, the Ethiopian Aliyah was a direct fulfillment of the prophecy that in the end of days, G-d will take the children of Israel back to the Land of Israel “on the wings of eagles.” There are clear documented examples of Ethiopian Jews trying to make fires on the planes in order to warm up some of their food. The idea of being on a plane was nothing short of miraculous for these poor Ethiopian refugees. Today, they are an integral part of Israeli society, serving with distinction in all levels of the Israeli Army, Knesset, and Israeli society. It all started with the airlifts in 1984.