Naftali Bennett Shut Down the Anti-Israel World With This 3 Minute History of Zionism

by Phil Schneider

This oversimplification of Jewish Histroy in the Land of Israel is actually a very important must-watch video for most young people today. Most people today do not know the simple fact that the Jewish people’s connection with the Land of Israel existed for more than 1,500 years (really 3,000+ years) before the advent of Islam. But in actuality, the most important part of the argument for the Jewish right to the Land of Israel is skipped over in this important clip.

The Arab bond to the Land of Israel is largely economic. Any attempt to turn the bond of Arabs to the Land of Israel into a religious bond to the Land is an attempt at rewriting history. The Arabs choice live or “return” to the Land of Israel was largely due to one reason – to improve their financial situation. Nearly all of the Land of Israel was a wasteland through the bulk of the 19th century. Until the turn of the 20th century, there were barely 1 million people in the entire Land of Israel. A majority were Arabs, but the truth is that the mass of the Land was simply empty. Today, greater Jerusalem alone has more than 1 million people. 

The original pioneering Jews in the mid-19th century returned to an empty Land that they found devoid of people and civilization. A few small and ancient cities existed. That’s it. But when the Jewish pioneers brought with their idealism some financial investors from Europe, that attracted Arabs from Egypt, Syria, and Saudi Arabia to live a better life than their present situation. Ultimately, the trickle of Arabs coming turnded into a stream, and within a few decades the Arab population had grown rapidly, while the Jewish population continued to grow due to antisemitism in Russia and idealists from all over the world who immigrated. 

But one thing is crystal clear – there is only one indigenous people to the Land of Israel – the Jewish people..  

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