Must See: Wisdom from Holocaust Survivors for Eternity

by Leah Rosenberg

Holocaust survivors have a lot of insight for the world. Because of what they experienced, their wisdom is extremely important.

Wisdom from Holocaust Survivors

The pain is so real. It is still so present, and you can see from the emotion on each Holocaust survivor’s face. You can see how much pain Holocaust survivors still feel when they recount their experiences from the horrors of World War II.

When they talk, you have to listen. You can’t not listen. They have so much to share. Holocaust survivors have so much to give to the world because of what they went through. We must listen because we must remember what happened; we must remember those it happened to. We also must listen because we have so much to learn from these courageous, heroic humans.

The power of giving is incredible, and that is something that the survivors spoke about in this video. Those who helped others; those who gave to others which meant literally giving everything they had. How did people do it? How were people able to be so selfless? As survivor Pearl Benisch said, “You stop giving, you stop living. You are just existing.” Those words are powerful coming from anyone. But when they are coming from a Holocaust survivor, those words are that much more meaningful; that much more valuable.

We need to listen now because sadly, in a few more years, there won’t be firsthand accounts of the horrors of the Nazi Hell. We need to get all the wisdom now; all the education we can.

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