Does Israel have the right to defend itself? Is Israel the aggressor? Well, this brave so-called “Palestinian” leader goes up against two pro-Israel commentators. Mr. Barghouti claims that people who are under occupation have the right to use all forms of legitimate resistance as long as they do not hurt innocent women and children and adhere to international law. He offers an argument that seems reasonable.
But then Col. Kemp properly explains that Mr. Barghouti seems to be supporting the butchering of all Jewish civilians and indiscriminate bombing of Jewish civilians. So, Dr. Barghouti may sound reasonable, but has actually tripped up on his own words.
The fact of the matter is that the innocent Arab civilians are being killed by one thing and one thing only – Hamas bombing and Hamas hiding behind its own innocent civilians when Israel retaliates. Dr. Barghouti claims that Col. Kemp is a white supremacist for supporting the war crimes of genocide and ethnic cleansing that Israel’s IDF commits. When Douglas Murray asked how anyone who supports Israel is a white supremacist country. Actually, Israel is filled with non-white Jews from Arab lands. So, of all statements, that is perhaps the most absurd.