Did you know that Israel has a street named after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.? Not just any city, our ancestral capital city, Jerusalem!
There is a very good reason for that. Israel appreciates and honors her friends, and Dr. King was a very good friend to Israel and the Jewish people. Just watch the video to hear his words directly from his mouth.

More Powerful MLK words on the Jews and Antisemitism
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that”. – Martin Luther King
If only today’s movement of blacks and minorities would listen to the words of Martin Luther King and seperate themselves from the antisemites, the anti-Israel activists and the agenda called “palestine”, which is really a call for the destruction of Israel.
Martin Luther King loved the Jewish people and he loved the Jewish homeland, Israel. He knew that blacks should be inspired by Israel and the Jewish people, the same people who walked hand in hand with him in the civil rights movement. Statistically, Jews were one of the most actively involved non-black groups in the Movement. Many Rabbis were arrested in St. Augustine, Florida in June 1964, as part of the struggle with the blacks.
It is very sad that so many African-Americans today are being fed lies about Jews and the Jewish state of Israel. Instead of looking up to us as allies to emulate, having successfully survived thousands of years of persecution from all sorts of enemies, to once again be sovereign again in our homeland and have pride in our ancestral identity, they are taught to identify us as the enemy. Hence, we see growing antisemitism in the African-American community today. All they have to do is go back to the words of Martin Luther King for the truth.