Local Arabs Torch Israeli Car in Jerusalem Neighborhood…Where are the Police?

by Leah Rosenberg

This is the eighth time that this family’s car has been set on fire by Arabs in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Shimon Hatzadik.

Where are the Police to Protect this Jerusalem Neighborhood?

This is a Jerusalem neighborhood! Yes, the eternal and ancient capital of the Jewish homeland! Where are the police stopping this? No, this is not the first time that this family’s car has been set on fire by Arab terrorists. Nor the second, third or even fourth. It is the eighth time. That is unacceptable that the police have not yet placed guards and protection for the residents of the Shimon Hatzadik neighborhood. They should be protecting the Jews there who are constantly under attack from the local Arabs.

It is enough.

Although this time they arrested three Arabs for the attack, that does not serve justice. They must STOP these attacks. What are they waiting for? More Jews to G-d forbid be killed by these same Arabs who are setting fire to Jewish-owned cars? It is truly outrageous.

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