Jason Greenblatt Made a Bombshell Comment about the Two State Solution on the Caroline Glick Show

by Phil Schneider

The truth is that the major issue with the two state solution is that it is not addressing the core problem in the Middle East. Any time someone claims that the core of the conflict between Jews and Arabs in the Middle East is about land, they are ignoring the core issue.

The struggle against the creation of the Jewish State before it’s founding in 1948 and the struggle that has continued since then until today has never been a battle chiefly about land. Of course land was a trigger of many of the terror attacks, and land has been the #1 claim of Arabs over the generations.

But the #1 issue always has been whether or not the Arabs accept the very existence of the State of Israel. That has always been the issue. Before the lands of Judea and Samaria were liberated in 1967, the Arab claims against the very existence of the State of Israel were strong, even if unfounded. The acts of terror against the State of Israel did not begin after 1967. Actually, they lessened after the Six Day War when it became abundantly clear to the Arabs that the Jewish State is here for good.

Jason Greenblatt is actually just saying the obvious. But it is extremely important that someone of his stature is standing up and saying that the solution that so many – including the Biden administration – claim to be the only solution, is simply not relevant today.

There are no simple solutions. But one thing is clear. Chopping off 1/3 of the State of Israel and giving it away to Israel’s sworn enemy is pure madness that will bring nothing but more terror to the Land of Israel.

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