It is so sad to hear some the absolute hatred some Israelis/Jews are allowing themselves to speak publicly right now against fellow Jews.

Former MK Michal Cotler-Wunsh even associated the words of this radio anchor as a type of antisemitism.
When push comes to shove, and people truly dig deep into who is behind the anti-democratic protest movement taking place for months already in the name of “democracy”, one finds out pretty quickly that this whole movement is based on hatred.
Hatred of Jewish values and hatred of Jews that represent those Jewish values (a hatred for the ultra-Orthodox, national-religious and the settlers).
Hence, we have ex-security leaders saying harmful and untrue things about Israel that we call out our enemies for saying about us, and we have influencers, like this Israeli radio anchor, voicing truly anti-semitic hatred towards fellow Jews. This is the essential basis of the protest movement. It is not a protest against a judicial reform that is totally democratic, and that isn’t even being implemented, and it is not a protest movement against a “dictatorship’, because in actual dictatorships they would be jailed or killed for voicing their voices like that.
I have posted the Haaretz newspaper headlines before, which are quite clear about this exact post.

After the results of the recent elections, the headline was “Too Few Israelis for a Secular Revolt”. And then after the the so-called ‘judicial-reform protest’ began it celebrated with a new, celebratory headline saying clearly “Israel’s Long-awaited Secular Uprising is Finally Here”.
How much clearer can they get?
Those two headlines say it all. That is why Ehud Barak is on video planning this protest movement with some of today’s protest leaders, back in the year 2020! Years before this government took office and years before the judicial reform was announced.
It was never about judicial reform! It was always based on this deep-seated hatred, held by a tiny minority of people
We are dealing with a tiny minority of Israeli Jews, with a lot of power, who are brainwashing the masses with emotional manipulation and lies, together with the establishment media, stoking real societal issues, to create chaos in our society, with a total disregard for the damage they are doing to our society and to the Jewish state of Israel on the world stage, even hurting our security.
The insane thing is that if you try to explain this to a good, normative, patriotic Israeli, who is taking part in the protest movement, he/she will totally ignore all facts and logic, and still hold on to the lies they are hearing from the protest leaders and the media 24/7. That is how successful these protest leaders have been, unfortunately.
With it all, I’m extremely optomistic. We will overcome this very challenging time stronger and more united than before. Do not get discouraged. Only a tiny minority have this hatred. Even with the passionate divide, we are one people and we will overcome this!!! How? I don’t know. But we will!
Am Yisrael Chai!!!