Israeli player gets everyone’s attention in NBA preseason

by Leah Rosenberg

It is amazing to see the impact an Israeli player can have in the NBA. He is definitely turning heads!

Deni Avdija – The Star Israeli Player

Deni Avdija has really made his mark so far in the NBA preseason. He is an Israeli player who plays for the Washington Wizards, a professional basketball team in the NBA. It is not common to have an Israeli playing in the NBA, although there have been a few in history. Although there have been a few other Israelis who played in the NBA, the first Israeli-born player was Omri Casspi in 2009.

A Slap in the Face to BDS

Having a basketball player from Israel play in the NBA is a big slap in the face to the BDS movement. They try their hardest to boycott the Jewish state. But the Washington Wizards and the NBA ignored BDS and drafted Avdija. Another win for Israel; another loss for BDS.

Although many people don’t view this as anything different than any other player being drafted, it is definitely different.

Making a Difference

Avdija is not just any player. He is an Israeli. He makes a statement. People look at him and know that he comes from Israel. Deni has the ability to have people look at Israel in a positive way. It is a major responsibility. As mentioned in this video, he has been called by announcers “The mensch off the bench.” A mensch is someone with outstanding character traits. It is one who treats others with dignity, honor, and respect. Hopefully, this star Israeli player will live up to that along with his basketball skills.

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