Is Iran’s Planned Attack Going to Usher in the Final Redemption?

by Leah Rosenberg

There is a lot of fear surrounding the uncertainty about Iran’s planned attack on Israel. This positive, faith-filled message is a must-hear.

What Iran Doesn’t Know about the Day of its Planned Attack

Has Iran studied history? Has it learned about those who have tried to destroy the Jewish people and have failed? Does it know the truth about the day of its potential planned attack on Israel?

The ayatollahs seem to be unaware. But as Jews, we must know our Bible, traditions, religion, and history. We must believe in G-d. The One Above has a plan. We might not always understand everything, but we must internalize that everything G-d does is for the best. The Jewish people are His people, and He will always protect us. We have never been obliterated from this world – despite the fact that for thousands of years, many have tried. Does Iran think it is better than G-d? Apparently it does. Iran thinks it can outsmart the Creator of the universe.

Iran should think twice before trying to destroy G-d’s people. Maybe they should study the story of Purim with the evil Haman in Persia and learn about what happened to him…

G-d will not let His people be wiped away from the face of the planet. Let’s pray the Messiah is just around the corner!

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