Are College Students Willing To Donate Money to Kill Jews?

by Phil Schneider

Are college students today stupid? Do they not understand what funding operations to kill Jews means? The answer is even worse than it may seem. Students today care about stupidities, but they are not stupid. They care about climate change, gender sensitivity, and racial sensitivity of black people. But they are also filled with the age-old hatred of the Jewish people, the most ancient of all forms of hatred. Why are students like this today? Because they are all products of the mass social media war to be politically correct. And hatred of Jews is now a perfectly politically correct state of mind.  

The war for the minds of the young is dominated by the massive power of the social media platforms to inculcate politically correct messaging to the masses. This is done by the social media platforms through heavy censorship of anything deemed politically incorrect. But even more, it is done via heavy promotion of mass lies that have become stylish such as being transgender and hating Israel. The open hatred of Jews is fast becoming stylish via the backdoor lie of accusing Israel of genocide of the so-called “Palestinian people.” 

This lie is so commonplace among young people today because their main source of education is online indoctrination via Instagram and Tik-Tok videos. It is a difficult place to fight back as Tik-Tok has made it clear that they are filled with anti-Israel censors. Videos about kidnapped Israeli babies are too insensitive to feature on Tik-Tok. But videos of Arabs calling to kill Israelis are accepted.  So that playing field is clearly slanted. Instagram is not as bad, but it is also slanted. So how can one win a battle when the only battlefield seems to be heavily slanted against one’s side?

The answer is that a little truth can win out against a big lie if it is properly communicated again and again in a convincing manner via every platform that can reach young people. Truth oftens takes a black eye against a lie that is repeated often. But there is power in truth and it will win out in the long run. Never give up fighting for the minds of young people. Ami Horowitz’s manner of exposing the lies of Jew-haters is one of many excellent ways of getting the truth out. 

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