Historical Cover-Up Exposed: The Connection Between Nazis and Arabs

by Leah Rosenberg

What an important video to watch! This says basically everything you need to know about the so-called “Palestinian” Arabs.

The So-Called “Palestinian” Arabs Are Nazis

It is that simple. People think that the “Palestinian” Arabs want peace. People think they are a group that can live side by side with the Jewish people. But would anyone say that about the Nazis? The Nazis wanted to kill every Jew in the world. And that is exactly what majority of the so-called “Palestinian” Arabs want as well. They have a history of this, as proven in the video. This is not some new phenomenon.

The world tries to cover up the truth. Many historical facts are hidden. There are those who know the connection and relationship between the Nazis and the Arab leaders of Palestine before the modern state of Israel existed. But they want to hide it so that they can continue with their false narrative about Israel and the fake “Palestinian” people.

And then there are those who don’t know. Some people are truly unaware and have never studied history. Maybe those people will finally see the truth. Maybe those people will finally see the connection and call out the so-called “Palestinian” people for what they are.

It’s dishonest to form opinions based on lies. Learn the facts. Study history. Know the truth. And then decide which side of history you want to stand on. There is only one side that’s right. And for those who can’t see it, it’s truly a shame…

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