Girls Deserve to be Tomboys

by Avi Abelow

This is such a simple thing to understand ‘girls deserve to be tomboys’. This has to be said today, because girls today are being told by psychologists, educators and even parents, that if they behave like a tomboy then they really “are boys in a girl’s body” and they should destroy their bodies with hormone blockers and even surgeries to cut off their female body parts. This short video is so important and much be shared with every young girl today, and with every parent of young girls today.

As posted by the @theisabelbrown Instagram account:

There was an entire year + of my childhood where all I wore were boys basketball shorts from Target and long, ill-fitting Aeropostale graphic tees paired with boys chunky skater sneakers. My favorite memories from growing up were multi day backpacking trips in the woods without showers, eating ants (ew I know) and getting so dirty it was laughable while trudging up mountain peaks. In middle school, the girls were absolutely brutal bullies, so I spent my weekends with my only friends (boys) playing Call of Duty and learning to snowboard (that one never caught on, thank goodness. Skiing is far superior).

Today, that would probably land me a one way trip to @plannedparenthood for testosterone synthetic hormones.

When I was a kid, all it meant was I was an outdoorsy girl.

This story I came across on TikTok breaks my heart for this beautiful young woman and the countless others like her being told there’s no such thing as a tomboy and she must render herself infertile or undergo surgery to feel better about who she is. What a horrible, ugly, devastating LIE.

I don’t know who needs to hear this today, but be a tomboy. Please. You’re allowed to be outdoorsy and fun without rejecting your womanhood. Embrace who you are as an extremely cool girl, & you don’t need to escape your femininity to do so ♥️

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