Former Islamist Defeated the Anti-Israel World with the Censored Truth

by Phil Schneider

It takes guts to stand up and say the truth out loud. But for some people, the truth is actually obvious. The entire concept of the so-called palestinian nation is a fiction that was invented back in the 60’s in order to pressure the State of Israel to buckle against international pressure for a made-up humanitarian cause. But if so many people all over the world seem to accept the cause of the so-called palestinians, isn’t that at least proof that there is a real issue here? 

The answer is no. What unifies much of the world is not genuine concern for human rights as much as it is animosity towards the Jewish people. But until October 2023, it wasn’t fashionable to say it loud and clear. On the Ivy League campuses of the United States, in the last decade, a new fashion was born. It is now officially cool to hate Jews if one is a woke progressive. It is modern and in. The big leap away from caring about facts was made years ago. That was the first major step. From there, its gone downhill. 

But the big leap towards hating Jews openly is very new. It is beyond comprehension that any thinking person could support the Arab terror that has been inflicted on the Jewish State. But the point is that it is now not fashionable to think at all. It is fashionable to follow woke progressive fashions blindly. That is how Lesbians for Palestine came to be. When there is no logic employed, there are no limits.  

When the exceptional former Islamists speak, they are speaking from experience that is first-hand. They do not exaggerate even though what they say seems so foreign to the modern western mind. But what to them seems so simple should be eye-opening to the most closed minds of young people today. 

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