Former CNN Anchor Blasts the World’s Response to Hezbollah Killing 12 Israeli Children

by Phil Schneider

For months on end, CNN and so many other networks and media outlets have blamed Israel for mercilessly killing innocent Arab children during Israel’s War with Hamas. Aside from the fact that Hamas is 100% to blame for all loss of life in this war, just as Vladimir Putin is 100% responsible for all loss of life in the Russia-Ukraine War, the fact of the matter is that networks have focused endlessly on the killing of Arab children. However, when 12 Druze children in Israel are killed on a soccer field from a Hizbullah rocket, the very same news networks fall silent and focus on the risk of the war widening. There is a reason for this and the reason is terrible, but it must be said. These networks don’t care about the blood of Israelis. They actually support the shedding of blood of Israelis.

Israel may want to curry favor with the United States and with countries in the European Union. The efforts are both worthwhile, but also doomed to minimal success. The standing ovations that Benjamin Netanyahu received in Congress are certainly heart-warming. But the growing number of Congressmen and Congresswomen who didn’t show up to his speech should not be ignored.

The pro-Israel influencers and supporters in the US cannot be ignored by many of the Congressmen and Congresswomen. Not all of those who stood up and applauded are genuine friends of the State of Israel. Indeed, many are true friends. However, the constant bashing of Israel online and minimizing of the human cost that Israelis have been enduring in this war, does take a toll. The younger generations in America and worldwide are turning away from Israel in scary numbers. 

The lies that only depict the suffering of young Arabs are very effective. What young person wants to support killing children? So, should Israel show more images of Israelis who suffer? No. Israel must emphasize endlessly that all of the suffering in the Middle East is due to Arab violence, Arab hatred, and total disregard for freedom, and the rights of women and children. An Israel-basher must know that they are a freedom-basher. Support Hamas and you support rapists, children-killers, and grandma kidnappers. 

CNN and other outlets that ignore the human suffering of Israelis are liars. The only reason why the label, “fake news” has stuck on CNN is because it is unfortunately true.     

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