My friend David Collier recently posted the following Twitter thread that must be seen and shared by everyone who cares about Israel and the truth. These facts totally expose the lie of the whole narrative called “palestine”. As I always say, “palestine” is the biggest scam in all of history, a cause built on a pyramid of lies.
All the images in this thread are from newspaper articles of the time (1820 – 1949). They address the pillars of the anti-Israel narrative. If you want to see more examples follow the link at the end to the article on my website. Read and learn – Retweet so others can too.
They say that Jews and Muslims lived happily together in peace before Zionism. It is a bare-faced lie. Attacks were often part of Jewish life. But sometimes news did get out. Like this distressing eye-witness account of a brutal attack by Arabs on Jews in Jerusalem in 1834.
And this was a theme, with large attacks in Tzfat and Hebron also taking place. The Ottomans disliked the Jews and even created anti-Jewish laws restricting land purchase and movement. For a while Jews were even banned from entering their holy land completely….
By the end, the Ottomans even took to expelling the Jews from Tel Aviv and Yaffo – with many being forced to move to Egypt
The Ottomans didn’t want Jews in the land – so the Turks engaged in a pro-active ‘Muslim only’ immigration policy, deterring non-Muslims from coming, while bringing in Muslims from places such as Bosnia to increase the Muslim demographic:
This demographic manipulation can be seen throughough the late 19th century – such as this report which talks of Muslims from North Africa, telling their communities to ‘come to Palestine’.
And when the British came, they also closed their eyes to Arab immigration – allowing Arabs to cross into the Mandate area unrecorded – whilst restricting Jewish immigration and counting every single Jew that arrived.
And when the British did come – the violence against the Jews continued – only now it was better recorded. Some massacres against Jews are well known such as in Hebron or Tzfat in 1929. Others less so – like Jerusalem and Yafo in 1920 and 1921. And this one in Tiberias in 1938
People focus on the big ones. But anti-Jewish violence was a constant backdrop – with many of the violent actions not making the news. As the fate of the Jews in Germany began to take the headlines, a murder or two in British Palestine often went unreported:
This violence was the reality of life for the Jews in the British Mandate. So don’t put the cart before the horse. The Partition didn’t cause violence – the partition was the result of violence – because Arabs would not let the Jews live in peace.
Which brings us to the seperation – the partition. Both Jews and Arabs each handed their own state. And when the Arabs rejected partition as well – on the very first day – they started slaughtering Jews again:
Make no mistake, the Jews faced a threat of genocide:
Anti-Israel propaganda suggests the poor Arab residents of British Palestine stood innocently in the middle between the Jews and Arab states. It is ahistorical hogwash. An image from Jerusalem of Arab volunteers for their Holy War against the Jews:
Then there is the myth that Arab armies only invaded in May. In reality irregular forces invaded the mandate area from early January – and soon there were 1000s of them spreading through the area – infiltrating Arab towns and attacking Jews wherever they could.
In early 1948, the Jews were suffering enormous losses. With irregular forces entering the fray and the impending threat of full invasion, Jewish forces were losing control of the roads. Arab forces cut off Jewish communities by attacking the convoys that set out to supply them:
In this deadly environment the Jews had nothing other than trying to survive in mind. These Jews could not even defend their own trucks or feed their own communities. They did not expel the Arabs – the Arabs did what many families do in civil war – they ran.
And don’t believe the myth that the Jews *had to* get rid of the Arab population because they were going to be outnumbered. The 100,000s of Jews waiting in DP camps for Israel to open the doors say otherwise.
And let us not forget the real ethnic cleansing that took place – as up to a million Jews were chased out of Arab lands:
Don’t accept the lie that suggests Jews in Arab lands were only attacked because of the 1948 War. There were frequent outbreaks of violence against them long before. Examples show various anti-Jewish riots and massacres in Egypt, Yemen, Iraq, Tunis, Algeria, Syria and Morocco:
On May 14 1948, Israel declared independence. The Arabs attempted to carry out their genocidal threat and Arab armies invaded Israel:
The war finally ended in 1949. And not a single Jew was allowed to stay in any of the areas that the Arabs held or captured. Not one.
But the Jews won the war. Israel survived. Today Israel’s enemies engage in a propaganda war – inverting the truth. They cherry pick – use exceptions and create a completely false narrative. Sadly too many people buy into the lies. Don’t let them get away with it.
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